The Weekly Sharpener #113

The conversion formula unlocked 🔓

👋 Hey fam!

I'm really excited to share this 👊 Tuesday roundup with you!

Another special guest joining us this week to drop some massive value right into your laps, this time in the form of Oliver Kenyon.

He shares his framework to create landing pages that perform and how to make sure your ads align with them too. You'll leave feeling better prepared to attack your site and provide an exceptional experience to your customer...also one that converts.

We also take a quick look at a theory about never turning off a Facebook ad which is a doozy.

I hope you're thriving, your stripe account is buzzing, and your ads are scaling!



The Weekly Sharpener #94_Is your brand part of the culture? If not, 😬...

Check out Pencil if you're ready to Create winning ads 10x faster with AI. (🤫 - we just launched amazing new pricing + packages!)

Special Tip:

LISTEN…Humans hate risk.

We will choose:

A bad product with NO risk...

Over a great product with A LITTLE risk...

...Because we hate it so much. Our Zero-Risk Bias is wired to protect us from harm.

(Courtesy of Sarah Levinger)

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🎙Add Creative

No new episode in this issue - but later this week there's a 🤌 dropping. Check out the library here 👇

On Apple 🍎 or Spotify 🎧

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Guest Content 🐐

This essay comes from our friend Oliver Kenyon. So much great info in here!

Hey Oliver Kenyon here the co-founder of ConversionWise CRO agency! I'm going to share with you my top things YOU can do TODAY to improve your conversion rates! Without having to hire a pro like myself.

Let's get into it!

If you've been around the marketing space for a minute you've heard of the AIDA formula. We use this to guide us when creating copy and assembling our landing pages...

Well over the last 11 years here at ConversionWise we've developed a better version! We've tested this on over 4000+ landing pages and it's guaranteed to increase your conversion rates...

We call it ATIDFA (a mouthful I know). But this is how you should build out your landing pages for a higher Conversion Rate!

ATIDFA stands for - Attention, Transformation, Interest, Desire, FAQ & Action

Attention - This is your 'Above the fold' section, the most important section of any LP! If we don't capture our customers' attention here the rest of the page is worthless. So we need to spend 80% of our time optimizing this section to the best of our abilities.

Utilize your toolbars! Use them to feature any special promotions you're currently running. Free shipping over X amount etc.

Use a contrasting color to make it stand out and ensure your customer knows the offer.

Then lead with a 'Strong Value Proposition' in your headline. The biggest benefit your product or service provides to the end user. This should be the first thing your customer sees when they land on your site.

Make sure you feature your most engaging creative alongside your big benefit!

Conversion Tip! Currently running UGC style creatives? Take content from those and feature the same creators from your ads on your landing page. This increases the trust and congruency from your ad to your LP. This is a real needle mover for increasing your conversion rates!

Don't forget to throw in social proof. Tap into the herd mentality heuristic & show your customer other people who have used your product and achieved the results they want! Show your product helping them.

If you've been featured in well known publications show this here!

Next up...


This is the first of two new sections we're adding to the AIDA formula.

Now if you've done your job in the previous section. Your customer should've had their interest triggered with your USP and has now begun to consider the benefits of your product!

We need to double down on this shift in your prospects' psychology. We need to start to get them to imagine the actual benefit and experience of introducing this into their life. We also eliminate any potential hesitations they may have about delivery times etc.

We start to build out the Transformation section:

1. How easy it is to buy - How & When will they get it (Instantly as a digital download or in 2-3 days if shipped to them etc).

2. The "end goal" or transformation from buying your product or service. Double down on the benefit of your product or service and drill into the changes it will make to their life!

Use icons, steps and text to take the buyer through the journey of buying the product.

adding to cart > Getting the product delivered > Experiencing the benefit of the product

Interest & Desire- This is where we start to dig into the attributes of our products. Talk about the "features as benefits" our previous sections provide a layup to this. We show our Reviews, testimonials, and case studies in the desire section.

I won't go into too much detail here as this part of the AIDA format is pretty well known.

FAQ - This is the second of our new additions to the ATIDFA framework.

We use this new FAQ section in a particular way to handle any potential objections. Any questions the customer may have that's stopping them buying we answer here. Shipping times, implementation, expected results etc. Giving us yet another conversion boost

Conversion Tip! Using heatmap software to determine what questions are generating the most engagement. Place these at the top then switch out the unengaging questions. Start testing different angles and gain a CR boost.

Action - The final part of the AIDA framework. Restate your offer, attach any relevant genuine time constraints and scarcity. Offer ends on the date, X units left. But be genuine! Customers can tell when your limited-time offer has been running for 6 months!

What we've done here is take the classic AIDA formula and expand it. We now include trust and objection-handling elements. We've found through testing that these new elements nearly always increases conversion rate!

Now, this is a very condensed version of our full landing page framework...

But if you're interested in learning more and want to see real-life examples and case studies of these ATIDFA principles in use…I’ve got some incredible news to share with you!

Our in-depth CRO course, full ATIDFA training, documentation, wireframes & design files for how we build high-converting landing pages are available inside our brand-new Conversion Rate Academy! With over 700+ active members in the D2C space we have one of the best training and communities around.

Oh and as thanks to Chase there's a special discount to get you 50% off your first month or yearly plan use code - TRYPENCIL

Thread of the week 🤌

Why it matters: First of all, the comments here are incredibly valuable. The video is also worth watching!

This is a divergent strategy than most people will share with you but Taylor is a seasoned media buyer, and his agency works with amazing brands.

My question is, how often are you turning off your ads when they aren't spending? I've run both of these strategies and used my desire to control things to dictate turning off an ad but this whole strategy made me rethink what I've been doing.

Expert Strategy + Learnings

Some amazing learnings from thought leaders in DTC.

Carl's CRO Tips 🙌

Create the Urgency to act

If you do not get people to act quickly, they'll bounce of the page and you'll never see them again.

Use these in your copy:

- "Do XYZ now!"

- "Limited Stock available"

  • "Do XYZ now!"

For more 🔥 follow Carl Weische from Accelerated.

Rahul's Paid Media Learnings 🤘

After posting on TikTok and also running hundreds of creatives we’ve noticed some patterns:

  1. Add value & are worth watching

2. Native to the platform

3. Bright lighting & clear sound

4. Use of images or emojis that complement your message and grab users attention

Follow Rahul and reach out to Reach Digital to work with him 🧠

Worth Your Time 💡

No explanation, just amazing content.

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